- The Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice paper is worth 150 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
- Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment.
- Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
- The length of the paper should be 3-6 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s).
- Support ideas with a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 2 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas.
- You may use first person voice when describing your rationale for choosing the CNP role and your plans for clinical practice.
- Current APA format is required with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper– and lower-case letters and are bold and centered):
- Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and not bold serves as the heading of the introduction section)
- Four APN Roles
- Rationale for Choosing CNP Role
- Plans for Clinical Practice
- Role Transition
- Conclusion
Advanced Practice Nursing
Advanced Practice Nursing has become an essential component in the medical field. APNs are nurses that are more knowledgeable in both theory and practice. Advanced practice nurses work very closely with physicians and are therefore acquainted with diagnosis as well as treatment. They provide care to the chronically sick and can prescribe drugs for their patients. Transitioning from a registered nurse to an APN involves several steps, such as completing an advanced degree in nursing and clocking several clinical hours to gain experience. This paper analyses the different roles…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $10