(Solution) SPH205 Module 6: Responding to Conflict


SPH205: Interpersonal Communication


Analyze your responses to conflict in terms of the exit–voice–loyalty–neglect model discussed in the text. How often do you use each response style in your friendship and romantic relationships? Which style do you use least? What are the results of the way(s) you respond to conflict? Are there any adaptations or changes you would like to make in the future?

If you choose exit, to what extent and under what conditions do you consider it ethical to exit conflict by refusing to reply to texts, emails or phone calls? Does refusing to engage deny the other person an opportunity to resolve the conflict?


I often use voice with an attempt to enhance rather than evade an unsatisfactory situation. Responses can range from constructive suggestions for management to address issues to more assertive actions such as lodging formal complaints. Conversely, some employees might resort to counterproductive behaviors to highlight concerns and catalyze workplace improvements. Occasionally, I use loyalty which can be described in multiple ways, the prevailing notion of “loyalists” characterizes employees who cope with dissatisfaction by remaining passive…..Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5