(Answered) NR500NP Week 6: Reflection on Learning -EBP


NR500NP Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice


Reflection: write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week.

You will need to post your reflection here before you are able to see other students’ posts.

  • As you contemplate your future NP practice, how do you view your role in the implementation of EBP?
  • What thoughts do you have about how you will engage in scholarship in your NP role?
  • What are some barriers you see to implementing evidence-based practice?


Future as NP practice role in implementation of EBP

I believe my role of implementing EBP as a NP, as a base line will be to get staff to buy into practice changes to have better implementation and better outcome results. For example, I work with patients with behavior health diagnosis it surprises me how many don’t fully understand their diagnosis, medications, and the rationale for treatment. Thus, as a NP one of the first EBP I hope to implement is proper patient education. According to Klingbeil and Gibson (2018) health literacy is one of the biggest and most challenging issues, yet if completed properly patients will be able to better advocate for their health and make better choices. ……..please click the icon below to access entire answer at $5