(Answered) NR500NP Week 8: Reflection on Learning Weeks 1-8


NR500NP Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice

Preparing the Assignment


  1. Document includes reflections from all weeks 1-7: To complete the assignment, students will need to copy the reflections they entered into the weekly reflection threads from weeks 1-7 into one double-spaced Word document and submit the document to the dropbox. You will need to add a week 8 reflection post on “What Did You Learn in this Course?” You must include 8 weeks of reflections for this assignment.
  2. Formatting: Document should be in APA format 
  3. Includes a title page in APA format
  4. Document is double spaced
  5. Each week’s reflection is labeled with a level 1 heading listing the week number
  6. Only include a reference page if references were cited in the body of the reflections. If a reference page is included, it is in APA format.


According to what I have read and heard this week, nurses with master’s degrees receive more in-depth training in leadership, assessment, care implementation, and evaluation. This material is meant to supplement knowledge gained in a four-year nursing degree. A master’s degree in nursing covers nine foundational areas that make graduates more marketable in various healthcare organizations. I found it fascinating that studies have shown a correlation between nurses with master’s degrees and higher levels of patient satisfaction and shorter hospital stays. These ideas were particularly useful since they outline goals…….please click the icon below to access entire answer at $10