Course Resources

(Solution) NR544 Week 6 Scholarly Discussion Forum Accrediting Agencies and Hospital Quality

Sunny Valley Medical Center is accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC). The last survey was in 2016. Consistent with TJC tracer methodology approach to surveying, the survey was unannounced. The […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 5 Risk Evaluation and Patient Safety

Requirements Assignment Criteria for the Paper Identify a potential risk within a healthcare organization and provide the rationale for choosing this issue. Discuss the risk management elements and patient safety strategies […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 5 Collaboration Café QSEN and Patient Safety

In reviewing the QSEN competencies, which competency do you feel is most important? (There is no right or wrong answer here.) Give specific examples of how you have applied this […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 4 Scholarly Discussion Forum Risk Management and Patient Safety

Please review the case scenario and answer the questions below. Diane was an 80-year-old resident who was returning to the nursing home from the hospital following a left hip fracture […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 3 Quality Improvement Model Application

Requirements Assignment Criteria for the Paper Identify any existing quality concern or an existing patient safety issue and provide the rationale for choosing this issue. Explain the background and scope […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 3 Collaboration Café Medical Errors and Patient Safety

Please watch the following video, Transparency, Compassion, and Truth in Medical Errors: Leilani Schweitzer at TEDxUniversityofNevada,Links to an external site. and address the following prompt: As you look back over your career […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 2 Scholarly Discussion Forum Data Collection and Risk Management

Saleema had total hip replacement in March 2015. One week later, the stitches started to bleed. She was concerned and went to the doctor’s office and was told it was […]

(Solution) NR544 Week 1 Scholarly Discussion Forum Applying Quality Improvement to Nursing Practice

Describe one patient care scenario where a safety or quality issue is apparent. This can be something you have experienced in your current practice or one you develop for this […]

(Solutions) NU643 Entire week 3-14; ADVANCED PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY

COURSE NU643 ADVANCED PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY NU643 Week 3 discussion NU643 Week 3 Discussion 2 NU643 Week 5 Assignment : Depression Case Study NU643 Week 6 assignment: Individual adult interview and Psychotherapy […]