(Answered) NR500NP Week 5: Discussion Systems Theory and Practice Issues


NR500NP Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice

Discussion Question:

Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, or macro level? How would you address this issue? What impact might your solution have on the other levels of the system? In what ways could interprofessional collaboration be used to resolve the issue?


This week in our lesson we are learning about Complexity Science and Complexity Adaptive Systems and how they affect our everyday practice. The topic I will be talking about can be considered a concern at almost all levels. Because this is an issue that I just recently had to deal with, I will be talking about pre op blood transfusion parameters. Last week I picked up a shift in the pre op department of my hospital. I had a trauma patient assigned to me and I was looking up their labs. I noticed the hemoglobin was 7.1 but the patient had not been transfused and was about to undergo a major surgery involving two surgeons working on two different parts of the body. I was talking to the anesthesiologist about how the patient probably needed at least 2 units ordered for standby for the OR……..please click the icon below to access entire answer at $10