(Answered) NR501NP Week 7: Theoretical Framework to Support Evidence-based Practice: PowerPoint Presentation


NR501NP Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice


In Week 7, students will create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages to evaluate the use of a theory for an EBP issue or concern. In Week 8, students will create a recording of the presentation for the Peer Discussion thread.

 Criteria for Content 

Review the literature regarding issues or concerns within your selected nurse practitioner specialty.

Select a theory or theoretical model which is relevant to your nurse practitioner specialty and would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified.

1. In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following.

  1. Introduction to the presentation
  2. Identify and describe a theory or theoretical model, and explain its relevance to your nurse practitioner specialty.
  3. Describe an issue or concern that is related to your nurse practitioner specialty, and explain its impact on health care outcomes
  4. Explain how the theory or theoretical model can be used as a framework to guide evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern, and discuss the unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or theoretical model.
  5. Conclusion to the presentation
  6. References


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