(Answered) PRAC-6540-25 Week 4: Assignment 1 COMPLEX CASE STUDY PRESENTATION

In Weeks 4, 6, 8, and 9 of the course, you will participate in clinical discussions called grand rounds. In one of these 4 weeks, you will be a presenter as well as help facilitate the online discussion; in the others you will be an active discussion participant. When it is your week to present, you will create a SOAP note and a short didactic (teaching) video presenting a real (but de-identified) complex patient case from your practicum experience.

You should have received communication from your Instructor letting you know which week of the course you are assigned to present.


Respond at least two times each to both of your colleagues who presented this week in the discussion forum. The goal is for the discussion forum to function as robust clinical conferences on the patients. Provide a response to one of the three discussion prompts that your colleague provided in his or her video presentation in the discussion forum. You may also provide additional information, alternative points of view, research to support treatment, or patient education strategies you might use with the relevant patient.………please click the icon below to access entire answer at $15