NR447 Collaborative Leadership in Healthcare
Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Complete the Wednesday Check-In assignment following the steps below.
- Click the Take the Quiz button at the bottom of this page to record your answers. There is no time limit.
- Answer the five questions about knowledge from the course so far and pose any questions.
- Response required for points.
- When completed, click Submit Quiz at the bottom of that page.
- Review grades and faculty feedback in the Assignment Comments in the Gradebook.
Complete the brief quiz to determine your emotional intelligence score using the link in the lesson. This score will be the foundation of your Week 4 Emotional Intelligence Leadership SWOT Analysis assignment. Please be honest as your true score is important for improving leadership skills. Type your emotional intelligence score below.
To be honest, I have not submitted the emotional intelligence leadership SWOT analysis assignment. That’s why my scores are missing.…..Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5