NR506 Healthcare Policy and Leadership
Berwick, D., Snair, M., & Nishtar, S. (2018). Crossing the global health care quality chasm: A key component of universal health coverage. Journal of American Medical Association, 320(13), 1317-1318.
Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Reflections should include the following:
- How to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis. In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned in this course to your upcoming practicum experience.
- Describe how one will apply content from NR506NP to the upcoming clinical courses.
Healthcare has long struggled to make well-informed judgments about nursing practice and global patient outcomes. Informed decisions about nursing practice and patient outcomes, according to Berwick’s article, should be based on placing the patient at the center of care, using evidence-based and context-specific information to make decisions, providing open communication, and addressing issues at their root (Berwick et al., 2018). These seem like straightforward suggestions, yet healthcare quality is still a problem on a worldwide scale.……please click the icon below to access entire solution at $10