(Solution) NR631 Week 2: PICOT Worksheet


NR631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience

Assignment Overview

Use the PICOT worksheet to complete the Week 2 Assignment: PICOT Worksheet.

  • Step 1: Clearly define each PICOT element statement. List each element:
    • P (population)
    • I (intervention)
    • C (Comparison with other treatment/current practice)
    • O (Desired outcome; must include measurable metrics)
    • T (Time Frame)
  • Step 2: State your PICOT question by weaving together your PICOT elements into a coherent question or statement.
  • Step 3: Describe the issue or problem that will be the focus of your CGE evidence-based practice change project. What have you noticed in your work or school environment that isn’t achieving the desired patient or learning outcomes? What needs to change in nursing? What can you change with the support of evidence in the literature?
  • Step 4: How was the practice issue identified? How did you come to know this was a problem in your clinical practice? Review the listed concerns and check all that apply.
  • Step 5: What terms did you use in order to make sure your search is wide enough to obtain required information but narrow enough to keep it focused? How will you narrow your search if needed?

Assignment Instructions

  1. Access the PICOT worksheet found above.
  2. Follow the instructions on the PICOT worksheet and complete the form.
  3. Submit the completed PICOT worksheet form.

Properly Constructed PICOT Examples

Click on the following tabs to view examples.

Define each element:

  • P (population): Hospital employees and volunteers are required to have influenza immunization annually
  • I (Intervention): Offer multiple Flu “PODS” and immunization clinics to hospital employees and volunteers making it convenient to receive the required immunization. Offer at a variety of times, available to all shifts.
  • C (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): Current practice: influenza vaccines are offered only at employee health on main campus during weekday days and regular business hours (i.e., 9am-5pm).
  • O (Desired outcome): Increase in compliance for receiving the annual mandatory flu shot by employees and volunteers from 75% compliance to 95% compliance
  • T (Time): By the end of the 2nd quarter (i.e., December 31)

What is the PICO(T) question?

Will influenza immunization compliance rates increase from 75% compliance to 95% compliance if flu clinics are provided in Flu PODS and immunization clinics at convenient times covering all shifts by the end of the second quarter (i.e., December 31)?

Revision Process

If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section. Please note the following guidelines:

  • After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
  • In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
  • Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
  • Points possible for revised and resubmitted work will not exceed the “proficient” rubric category (84%).
  • Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
  • Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.

Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:

  • Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
  • Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.



Define each element of the question below:

P (Patient, population, or problem) Nursing staff.

I (Intervention) Meeting staff needs, for example, educational, growth, and development goals, providing sincere recognition (Daisy Awards), and demonstrating an appreciation of staff involvement in decision making (Shared Governance).

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