(Solution) NR631 Week 4: Collaboration Café: Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base


NR631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience

Collaboration Café

Leading and managing change is an important part of successful project execution and implementation. The nurse leader and project manager should be intimately familiar with a particular change theory or model that serves as the framework for leading the change represented by a project.

Spend time researching and investigating some evidence-based change models such as Kotter, Lewin, Lippitt, & Rogers (aka – Diffusion of Innovations). Identify your “go-to” change leadership framework and discuss how you will use that framework to guide organizational change.

Application: For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.


Professor and class,

For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.

Kotter’s 8 step process for change is the one I am most drawn to when researching the change models. The 8-step process is spelled out and allows for early intervention of creating the need for change. The step-by-step process and the ability to assist with large impacting changes can be beneficial (Alhaderi, 2021). The steps of Kotter’s process (creating urgency…….Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5