What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.
When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:
- Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
- What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
- How might a proposed change in practice trigger changes in other aspects of practice?
The study was approved by the Human Research Ethic Committees of the University of New South Wales and NSW Health. All interviews were conducted in a private space by an independent body to the clinic. All recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and then all identifying information was removed and given a pseudonym. Informed consent was obtained from all participants either written or audio recorded.……Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $10