(Solution) NURS4220K Week 3: Discussion Applying Performance Improvement Tools


NURS-4220K Leadership Competencies-Summer

For this Discussion, examine the strategies and interventions tried in your unit and consider the following questions: a) Were the strategies effective in creating a sustainable change on your nursing unit, and b) To what extent can your nurse manager and CNO count on your unit exceeding the national benchmark in the next quarter, the next year? That is, does this run chart have some predictive ability? Does the run chart support the nursing unit’s decision to celebrate? To what extent can the leadership be confident that the trend will continue?

By Day 3

Based on the scenario, explain what was done successfully and where improvement was needed in the quality improvement process. Identify the quality improvement tools and explain how they contributed to the outcome.


In this scenario, the national benchmark for medical surgical units like this is 85% very satisfied, and mine has scored in the low 70s on the HCAPHS survey. The unit successfully had improvement in many months in their pain management satisfaction scores. However, there were multiple months that there were no documented assessments. Inconsistencies in reporting and documentation can affect performance management and quality improvement. …..Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5