(Solution) SCIE1046Touchstone 3: Bacterial Isolation Lab Report

By completing the lab report, you will demonstrate your ability to do the following:

  • Describe the lab’s overall objective and make a hypothesis
  • Introduce relevant background knowledge on the topic
  • Summarize the steps taken in the lab simulation
  • Explain any obtained results
  • Discuss the conclusions and implications


  • Salmonella, the targeted microorganism for isolation, resides in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and causes Salmonellosis, characterized by its gram-negative nature.
  • The preferred method for isolation is streaking, where bacteria are inoculated onto a flat, semi-solid growth medium by swiping the inoculating loop back and forth. This technique employs specific methods to gradually reduce bacterial concentration, resulting in isolated colonies upon incubation.

Aseptic technique is crucial in microbiological laboratories to minimize the risk of sample contamination or exposure to potentially harmful microbes.…..Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $10