SPH205: Interpersonal Communication
This week you will create a full-length outline of your Course Project (i.e. a map of what you plan to discuss in your paper). This means you need to choose between your two possible topics, do further research, and come up with a working thesis statement. Then create an outline of what you will cover in your paper and how you will support your thesis statement. Your outline should also include a list the sources you would like to use in your paper (remember you must have at least three sources in your paper). If you aren’t sure how to create an outline, see the instructions and video below.
You should review the requirements of your Course Project Instructions Download Course Project Instructions download before you complete your draft. How to Create an Outline
Major points
- Being emotionally intelligent in communication enhances one’s self-control
- Awareness of personal and other people’s emotions improves diplomacy in communication
- Emotionally intelligent people are more assertive in the communication process
- Conflict resolution and negotiations are more successful when handled in an emotionally intelligent manner…..Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5