SPH205: Interpersonal Communication
Analyze the attributional patterns you use to explain a mean or disappointing behavior by a 1) good friend and 2) by someone whom you do not like. Analyze how differences in your feelings about the two individuals affect your attributional tendencies. We tend to make external, unstable, and specific attributions for undesirable behaviors (which implies that factors were beyond his or her control) for friends. For people we dislike, we tend to make internal, stable, and global attributions for undesirable behaviors (which implies that he or she had control of his or her mean action and perhaps intended to act that way). Use vocabulary from your text in your response.
The attributional patterns applicable in explaining a mean or disappointing demeanor by a good friend is controllability. Conversely, that associated with a person that I do not like is the locus of control. In this respect, differences reflected in my emotions regarding the two people and the manner in which it impacted my attributional tendencies is that it makes me to view other people as being responsible for their respective misfortunes. Ideally, the fundamental attribution error refers to the inclination to attribute a person’s behavior more to their inherent traits or character than to external circumstances.…..Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5